Baking/Baking your own Stroopwafels

Baking or making your own syrup waffles, who wouldn’t want to? Who can resist a delicious stroopwafel? At Amsterdam! Good Cookies we understand all too well that sometimes that is an impossible task. That’s why our webshop can be reached 24/7 to place an order for that Dutch Gold. Quick and easy!

But what if you’re in the mood to make your own syrup waffles one day? Even then, Amsterdam helps! Good Cookies you of course. Through our webshop you can find most of the supplies you need to make delicious syrup waffles yourself: Click here for all Stroopwafel Baking Supplies

There are lots of recipes for syrup waffles online, but generally the ingredients are all the same. What do you need to bake your own syrup waffles?

It’s all about taste, so if you take a little more of one or a little less of another, the important thing is that you like it and so it’s to your taste. And that you can therefore make others smile tremendously too! Below you have at least the basics from us:

500 grams flour, 250 grams melted butter, 150 grams sugar, 60 ml milk, 1 egg, 14 grams yeast, 1 tsp cinnamon, 200 grams light brown caster sugar, 350 grams syrup, 50 grams butter, 2 tsp cinnamon. And a knife and spatula

Put the first 7 ingredients from the list together in a bowl and stir to form a firm dough. Then knead the dough vigorously for a while. Then let rise, covered, for 45 minutes.

In the meantime, you can get started on the syrup. Bring to a boil in a saucepan, then quench it by adding pieces of butter. Then add the sugar and cinnamon. HINT: Not too much sugar or it will become very hard! And that’s not what you want.

Bring to a temperature of about 60 degrees or until you have a spreadable syrup. Do not let it boil after this either, this will harden the sugar and give a hard caramel mass. It is best to keep the pan with the syrup au bain marie at temperature. That way it doesn’t go too fast and can be monitored. This is because the syrup must remain spreadable.

Turn the dough into balls. Not too big, but not too small either (check out our video at the bottom of this post for a great reference!). While baking a waffle, keep the remaining balls of dough under a piece of cling film or a damp tea towel; this prevents the dough balls from drying out.

Now we are going to bake. It is important to have a treacle-waffle iron, at least if you want to get started professionally. The syrup waffle iron should be set to 200 degrees and the syrup waffle iron should be sprayed with baking spray beforehand so that the dough does not stick.

Place a ball of dough on the hot plate and close the iron. Hold this for 3 to 5 seconds so that the dough spreads all the way to the desired size and and thickness.

The waffle is ready within a minute, in our case even after 45 seconds. The steam development cooks the waffle from the outside which makes the outside nicely browned and the inside just cooked. Remove the baked waffle from the plate. Then cut it in half with a sharp knife by inserting the tip of the knife into the side of the waffle and with your hand flat on the waffle, twist the waffle around the knife. Spread the inside of one half with the syrup and place the other half on top. With a gentle twisting motion, move the two halves over each other so that the syrup is smeared into the waffle. Ready is Kees! Time to enjoy your hard baking.

Would you prefer to order from us despite this recipe? No problem, you can do that through our website. You will receive your order quickly and securely. And know that Amsterdam! Good Cookies is always extremely careful about the freshness of our products and our packaging.

Want to see how we make our syrup waffles? Then check out our YouTube page with all kinds of fun videos, like this one: Click Here For The Jay Jay Team Amsterdam Movie! Good Cookies bakes Stroopwafels, starring Jay Jay!

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For now, have a very happy day!

Team Amsterdam! Good Cookies

We Make People Smile!

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