The history of the syrup waffle

The stroopwafel, who can resist that tasty cookie? With that light brown crispy outside, golden and syrupy inside and that delicious smell, the treacle waffle is a real treat that almost everyone around the world loves! According to the website, the stroopwafel is more popular than ever, and Dutch people eat an average of about twenty stroopwafels a year. This totals more that 22 million packages! Syrup waffles are also widely eaten in other countries, such as Brazil and India.

Despite that (international) love for that golden brown cookie, most people don’t know the story behind the product. Do you know the history of the syrup waffle?

What is the history of the syrup waffle

Syrup waffle
The original name of the stroopwafel is syrup waffle and was first made in Gouda. Those varieties had a diameter of about 10 centimeters, a nice contrast to our contemporary stroopwafels that come in diameters of up to 25 centimeters.

In the past, almost all syrup waffles were called “syrup waffles,” today that is different and syrup waffles are a rarity,

In what year the syrup waffle saw the light of day is not known. One suspicion does exist: in the early 19th century when bakery Kamphuisen reported a variant of the cookie. By the way, this bakery in Gouda still exists. You can take tours and see how the baker makes the original syrup waffles according to a traditional recipe. That recipe has never changed and has been in a sealed envelope since 1810, keeping it secret to this day.

Amsterdam! Good Cookies

What is the history of the syrup waffle

At Amsterdam! Good Cookies we are also incredibly proud of our recipe, although we are less secretive about the ingredients. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible about the ingredients and method of preparation. So with us, you know what you’re buying: a darn tasty syrup waffle made with passion for our customers.

By the way, did you know that when syrup waffles came into existence, they were probably made from old cookie cuttings, dough scraps and syrup? This made them very cheap, which is why syrup waffles were called poor cakes in the 19th century. At Amsterdam! Good Cookies we do not use cookie chips, but rather high-quality ingredients. That’s the only way you know you’re getting the tastiest syrup waffle in the world.

Syrup waffle vs. syrup waffle

Are syrup waffles and syrup waffles actually the same thing? Although they are very similar, they are not the same. The main difference is in the filling: between a syrup waffle is syrup and between a treacle waffle is syrup. Syrup is thinner than syrup.

In addition, the waffles are made in a different way. The syrup waffle consists of one waffle cut in half with the syrup in between. The syrup waffle consists of two separate parts baked separately, which are “stuck together” with the syrup.
At Amsterdam! Good Cookies, while you can’t get syrup waffles, you can get the most delicious syrup waffles that go around the world.

Would you like to know more about our production process or would you like to order syrup waffles from us? THEN CLICK HERE Please contact us at or at +316-11 26 82 28 We are happy to help you!

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